Schizochytrium sp. Algal Oil

Our vegan DHA is created using Algal Oil, derived from the fermentation of microalgae using a patented process that minimizes environmental contamination. It serves as a substitute for fish oil, providing the same benefits without the need for fish-derived sources.


Blair, Nebraska


No known warnings


Dietary Ingredient


Cognitive Development: Clinical studies have demonstrated a positive association between algal oil supplementation and enhanced cognitive function in children. DHA, a crucial omega-3 fatty acid found abundantly in algal oil, plays a vital role in brain development and function. The inclusion of DHA in children's diets has been shown to support cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, learning, and problem-solving skills. Research suggests that algal oil supplementation can have a long-lasting impact on cognitive performance, potentially improving academic performance and overall cognitive potential.

Visual Acuity: Algal oil's rich DHA content has also been linked to improved visual development in children. DHA is a major structural component of the retina, and an adequate supply is crucial for the proper development and function of visual acuity. Clinical trials have revealed that children supplemented with algal oil demonstrated enhanced visual acuity, reduced risk of visual impairments, and improved hand-eye coordination. Furthermore, algal oil has been associated with a decreased risk of age-related macular degeneration later in life.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: In addition to its cognitive and visual benefits, algal oil's omega-3 fatty acids exhibit potent anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation is increasingly recognized as a contributing factor to various childhood ailments, including allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disorders. The regular consumption of algal oil can help modulate the body's inflammatory response, potentially reducing the incidence and severity of these conditions in children. Clinical studies have also linked omega-3 supplementation with a lower risk of inflammatory bowel disease, eczema, and allergic sensitization.

Cardiovascular Health: Ensuring cardiovascular health is essential even in childhood. Omega-3 fatty acids present in algal oil have been extensively studied for their positive effects on cardiovascular health, including reducing blood pressure, promoting healthy cholesterol levels, and improving endothelial function. By incorporating algal oil into children's diets, parents can support their cardiovascular well-being from an early age, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease later in life.

Research and Evidence

At our core, we prioritize evidence-based practices, ensuring that each product and ingredient serves a distinct purpose, and as the field of nutrition progresses, we remain committed to ongoing learning and growth.

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Energy Production: Riboflavin plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, helping convert them into energy that the body can use. Sufficient riboflavin levels support optimal energy production and utilization in children.

Growth and Development: Riboflavin is essential for normal growth and development in children. It aids in the production of new cells and tissues, contributing to overall growth and repair processes.

Eye Health: Riboflavin is involved in the production of antioxidants, such as glutathione, which help protect the eyes from oxidative stress and promote healthy vision. Adequate riboflavin levels are important for maintaining good eye health in children.

Skin and Hair Health: Riboflavin is involved in the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails. It supports the production of collagen, a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin and helps maintain healthy hair and nails.

Antioxidant Activity: Riboflavin functions as an antioxidant in the body, helping neutralize harmful free radicals and protecting cells from oxidative damage. This antioxidant activity contributes to overall health and may support immune function in children.

Nervous System Function: Riboflavin plays a role in the proper functioning of the nervous system. It supports the production of neurotransmitters, which are essential for communication between nerve cells and the regulation of various bodily processes.

Vegan-Friendly: Vegan riboflavin from 5'-phosphate sodium provides a suitable option for children following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, ensuring they meet their riboflavin needs without relying on animal-derived sources.

Sea Moss

Sea Moss

Nutrient-Rich: Sea moss is a good source of essential nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E), minerals (such as iodine, calcium, and potassium), and trace elements. These nutrients support children's growth, development, and overall well-being.

Digestive Health: Sea moss contains a high amount of dietary fiber, which can support a healthy digestive system and promote regular bowel movements. It may aid in relieving constipation and maintaining optimal digestive function.

Immune System Support: Sea moss contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C, which help support a strong immune system. Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of illness and supporting overall health.

Thyroid Function: Sea moss is a natural source of iodine, a mineral essential for proper thyroid function. Adequate iodine intake supports children's growth, metabolism, and cognitive development.

Respiratory Health: Some anecdotal evidence suggests that sea moss may support respiratory health in children. It may help relieve congestion and soothe irritation in the respiratory system, making it potentially beneficial for respiratory conditions.

Skin Health: The minerals and antioxidants found in sea moss, such as zinc and vitamin E, may contribute to healthy skin in children. They help promote skin hydration, elasticity, and may aid in reducing skin inflammation.

Nutrient Absorption: Sea moss contains natural prebiotics, which can support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome enhances nutrient absorption and overall gut health.

Bell Pepper

Bell Pepper

Vitamin C-Rich Nutritional Powerhouse: Red bell peppers are an exceptional source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient vital for optimal growth and development in children. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, red bell peppers contain significantly higher levels of vitamin C compared to green bell peppers. Adequate intake of vitamin C supports immune function, aids in the absorption of iron, and promotes collagen synthesis, which contributes to healthy skin, bones, and connective tissues.

Promotion of Eye Health: Red bell peppers contain a considerable amount of carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which are associated with improved eye health. A systematic review published in the journal Nutrients indicated that lutein and zeaxanthin play crucial roles in preventing age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, two common eye disorders. Including red bell peppers in children's diets may contribute to the long-term preservation of their visual health.

Antioxidant Protection and Disease Prevention: The bright red hue of bell peppers signifies the presence of powerful antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamin C. These antioxidants combat the harmful effects of free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and preventing cellular damage. A comprehensive study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism reported that a diet rich in antioxidants helps to lower the risk of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Enhanced Digestive Health: Red bell peppers are a notable source of dietary fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and aids in maintaining a regular bowel movement. The Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition published a study highlighting the positive impact of dietary fiber on pediatric constipation. Including red bell peppers in a child's diet can contribute to improved gut health, preventing constipation and promoting overall digestive wellness.